In The Lonely Plight of a Visonary, Citizen Carrie at Carrie’s Nation takes an exceptional view of the Scrooge MacDucks running amok who seek to sell out your jobs. Citizen Carrie cites Maureen Dowd’s New York Times column “A Penny for My Thoughts” that describes the aftermath of what “quality” really looks like when journalists, too, become sacked and stacked upon the Slagheap of History.
President-elect Obama campaigned on the promise to tax businesses that offshore American jobs. Americans can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to the exploitation of foreign workers and to what one commenter described as “stabbing American workers in the back” by corporate executives who use the “labor shortage myth” to hire cheap labor to drive down wages at home and eliminate jobs for our citizens. Very few Americans, if any outside the billionaires’ boys club -- see outsourcing as an advantageous proposition, as the world watches as The United States slips from its superpower status. Unfortunately, what even fewer Americans understand is that president-elect Obama promised to import workers from India to take white collar jobs by pledging to the same corporations to raise and or eliminate the H-1b visa cap, making his campaign promise of taxing corporations who “offshore” American jobs a moot point, if not an outright, fast hustle. In other words, corporations are now getting what they really want: the ability to import more cheap labor here to drive down wages and further give away the few white collar jobs left for Americans. Talk about stimulating the economy, Barry…
MoDo’s NYT article also includes many insightful comments from people across the country who have had enough here. Below is what one commenter had to say about what it means to restore communities and the economy by putting our own citizens back to work again:
“Globalization and outsourcing will be the death of the middle class and democracy as we know it. It will be a death by a billion cuts as American labor and industry is slowly whittled down to nothing. I ask, what is the value or worth of maintaining a sovereign nation if the people of that nation are not considered as integral to its survival? For surely, as outsourcing and globalization continue to devastate individuals and families across the American landscape, the country becomes increasingly weakened. The only people who benefit from such a process are the business owners. But ultimately, even they will have to pay the piper as there will be no one left with sufficient funds to purchase the outsourced and globalized goods and information. To me, this is a disgustingly pathetic outcome for a people who sacrificed much for independence and freedom. It speaks to a soulless entity where honor and decency and loyalty means little. And that is a place I do not wish to live.”
— Mike B., Carver, MA
When will organizations like and so-called progressive organizations and blogs start to get the picture? Or, do they revel in the Us vs. Them mentality that is dividing this nation into a country of Have and Have Nots, content to be crushed by the glorious underbelly of globalization?