Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mel Toast Takes The NY Times To School

Tower of Hilarious, Blathering Babel: A Mel Toast NY Times Exclusive

“Does President Obama’s plan for closing Guantánamo adequately addressing security concerns?”- The New York Times

Breaking News

Chicago, IL - The infamous New York Times is not only known for its celebratory commentariat of thrasonical screedsters and bathycolpian plagiarists but also for its editors who haven’t the faintest idea about correct English language verb tense agreement.
-- Does these editors speaking English?

-- Does Pinchy find this terrifying abuse of the English language amuse or did he fired all the copyeditors?

-- Does the Mexican dude who invested Big Peso in the paper laughing
about this limicolous tower of Babel called the United States of America? Hahahahahaha… Read today’s NY Times headline below:

Room for Debate
Obama’s Blueprint and America’s Enemies
Does President Obama’s plan for closing Guantánamo adequately addressing security concerns?

Alright. Big deal. Somebody is having a bad day at the NY Times and truth be told, these embarrassing slips happening everywhere. Ignore this rant and carrying on.


Mel Toast

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