Sunday, March 2, 2008

"Jack and Hill": Jack Nicholson Endorses Hillary Clinton

Jack Nicholson Endorses Hillary Clinton

“Jack and Hill”

“There is nothing sexier on this earth, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning.”
Jack Nicholson, in “A Few Good Men”

Soon, the battle for Pink and Black states will be over.
All eyes are on this Tuesday as Hillary Clinton’s fate hangs in the balance for Texas and Ohio. In my previous post, Super Tuesday Voter Guide for Democrats I saluted my favorite actor, Jack Nicholson’s tribute to the Pink Lady in her turf battle against her nemesis, Barack Obama over who gets to take the credit for sealing the nation into the ultimate and inevitable Have and Have Not Society civilization has known since maybe the Stone Age. (Not to worry, as our media and blogger 'friends' keep telling us to have HOPE and all will be fine.)

I would also like to salute blogger Citizen Carrie for her fine body of work at Carrie’s Nation and for her BIG E AWARD to yours truly here at Losing the War on Humor. So here is my “Oscar” acceptance speech:

I was surprised to receive this honor, as my humble and often hopelessly irreverent, cynical blog sets out to do one thing only: dispel the myths and lies in an increasingly rabid world of media polluted me-tooism, blowhard-addled empty rhetoric, and an anti-intellectual, winner-take-all socio-political climate where media and their mindless blogger- wannabes subliminally reinforce tearing down the only pillar of progress that defines civilized society : love and respect for each other and community. In these times where sycophancy is the order of the day and most of the media/blog world is drowning in Kool-Aid, you can always count on Carrie’s insightful and well-researched posts to present the facts with a balanced blend of integrity, clarity, humanity and goodwill. The art of “REAL” is not lost on Carrie’s Nation.

Back to Jack…With a little help from Rob Reiner, Jack Nicholson, who is backing Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, took his endorsement to the tubes with a most persuasive “humorous collection of clips that put his support into the mouths of his most film famous characters” video entitled “Jack and Hill”. Click above to watch video.



Citizen Carrie said...

Beautiful acceptance speech. Usually I laugh my head off when I read your posts. Today I have tears.

Do you want to email Steven Pearlstein about what Silicon Valley is all about or should I?

2Truthy said...

How is it that guys like Pearlstein keep themselves in black ink?